About the Badge

The Queercon badge is one of the more tightly held secrets of DEF CON – very few people know what it will do ahead of time. The badges typically have a major social function, so if you simply collect one and never connect with others, you get bright lights but miss out! However, if you participate in events and the conference, you will be rewarded with more functions and surprises. You can take a peak at some of our previous badges on Hackaday.

Special note: your Queercon badge will not get you access to any event! Host badges (e.g, BSides LV, Black Hat USA, DEF CON, etc) are required for all Queercon mixers.

There are two ways to acquire a Queercon Badge:

1. Reserve a badge. A reservation is not required to obtain one, however your donation helps us give away the other badges.

2. Participate in our events. That means attend the mixers and talk to people! We give away most of the badges to our attendees on-site, fostering our social functions.

Badge Reservations and Pick-up

Update August 20, 2024: Please note that our badge events for 2024 are closed! Thank you everyone for your support this year. Keep an eye out for information next year!

Badge reservations are one way we thank our donors. Reservations can be made through our Square online shop, shop.queercon.org, which you can directly visit using the button at the bottom of this page. After donating, you will receive a confirmation email with your order number (you may need to check your junk folder, depending on your settings); this email, and the associated order number, constitute your badge and are required for pickup.

Badge pick-up will be during the Queercon mixers inside DEF CON 32 on Thursday and Friday, as well as the Friday Night Party. For up-to-date location and times of these events, visit our schedule of events or check in on our discord, which you can join at queercon.org/discord.

At the Queercon @ DEF CON 32 events, there will be a designated pickup location. When you arrive (note, you will need a DEF CON badge for entry!), present your confirmation email and order number to receive your badge.

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